
Sunday, April 9, 2017

This is very INTERESTING!

I have receive an email on some information that could be a CONFLICT of INTEREST or NOT.
I just heard some talk in our Wilton Tribe, that the Ione Band of Miwok Indian Tribe just had elections on Saturday for Secretary.  I also know that Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo had won the votes for Tribal Council Secretary.  Wow, do you all think it is kind of odd that she is on the Tribal Council?  Considering the fact that Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo is related to the Regional Director Amy Dutschke of the BIA.  Oh my, how much will Ione Band of Miwoks Indians fall apart.

 Ione Band of Miwok Indians have you done your Enrollment Audit yet?  How many families have you found that really don't belong in there?  I can name some families that are NON-NATIVE and have NO NUMBERS:

  • Ragudo
  • Jamerson
  • Water
I can go on with the NAMES, but then I will be doing your job, wouldn't I be.

In all actual the 1972 people do not belong, just like our 1959 people do not belong in the Tribe.
Why you ask?  Well the Government only looks on the CENSES not whom or somebody that lived on the land after many decades later.  See these people like to call the real NATIVE INDIANS FRAUDS or like the people in my TRIBE say IMPOSTER'S or basically the GOVERNMENT DOESN'T acknowledge the CENSES people only these people that are called a JUDGEMENT that is a piece of paper.  Let me help you out, if you can get all these people's DOCUMENT'S and make them go as far back 6 GENERATIONS, I bet you that they do not have the PAPER TRAIL nor the HISTORY.

Now having the Secretary Sara Dutschke Setshwaelo, will slow your process down.  Why, this is WHY Her Aunt Amy Dutschke will control everything through her NIECE.  The facts are there, and if you look at all these other tribes, there will also be a paper TRAIL that leads back to AMY DUTSCHKE.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


I have been doing a lot of research on everyone claiming to be NATIVE, and it is funny how I come across on my journey and meet NEW PEOPLE out there willing to give all the FACTS and TRUTHS that I have received.  All the INFORMATION I have and been or going to report.

Like what I have researched today, That Mathew Franklin has a corporation well he had two but one is active and the other is inactive.  Mathew Franklin Active Company is Ione Miwok Broadband.
What does this mean?  That he is actually gets to have a company thanks to his lovely sister who is also a Chair of the Ione Band of Miwok Indians.  Did she get this done for him?  Talk in Indian Country is that when she got into office that she called the Lawyers and dropped all charges on her brother who is the Former Chair of The Ione Band of Miwok Indians.  Supposedly her brother Mathew Franklin embezzled over a Million Dollars, whether if this is true or not.  How can someone embezzle money and not go to jail for it?  Hmm this makes you wonder what is really going on out there in the world.

In our tribe we had the pleasure/pleasures of having Andrew Frankiln in our tribe embezzling money also, who is in fact related to Mathew Franklin and I believe they are cousin's.  What??? Yes, Cousin's!

Well we know how this family works right.  What about his sister Crystal?  What and how does she operate as a Chair of the Ione Band of Miwok Indians?  This I will go out and research and study her?


Image result for Success memeSo I guess WILTON RANCHERIA isn't the only one in the spot light with all our LAWSUITS, as I learned that Ione Band of Miwok Indian's are in HOT WATER also.  There is ENROLLMENT AUDIT going to happen in their tribe.  Well this takes all the HEAT off of the Wilton Tribe, for now!

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Wilton Woman Helps Investigators Nab Shady Contractors

She worked with state agents on an undercover sting on her neighborhood, and now investigators are warning flooding victims to be on alert for a similar scam.
Maureen Franklin thought she was hiring legitimate contractors to resurface her driveway even though they wouldn’t quote her a price.
“I kept saying, ‘How much are you going to charge me?’ and they kept saying, ‘Don’t worry about it,” she said.
But when the job was done, she wasn’t satisfied, showing CBS13 where they missed, how thin the coat was and how cracks were still visible.
She was shocked by the final price—$16,000.
Franklin wrote them a check to get them to go away, then canceled it the next day. She called the Contractors State Licensing Board to complain. They set up a sting, luring two of the suspects back to the scene who thought they were going to get the cash. Instead, they got a trip to jail.
“It was very satisfying,” she said.
State investigators say Franklin likely wasn’t the only target. They believe the group has been traveling around the region.
It’s common for con artists to come out soon after disasters to prey on people looking for quick fixes to their damaged homes.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Who won the VOTE

Happy to give GREAT NEWS JAMERSON WON the VOTE of the TAllY and just like I promised
TRUMP isn't the only popular vote




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How did Johnny "Gil" Jamerson DO THIS!!!

How did Johnny "Gil" Jamerson, How can he have 4 ALIAS in 10 YEARS and Become VICE CHAIRMAN/EMBEZZED and still a MEMBER of The IONE BAND of MIWOK INDIANS and GOT AWAY WITH IT?

Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate 2
Birth Certificate 3
Birth Certificate 4

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How can you be Ione Band of Miwok Indians when you have people enrolled in your tribe when they can not prove your lineage?  If the the Original Families have to prove their lineage. Why can't these people? Going through the paperwork and looking at the Birth Certificate and it is Doctored because no County Official  puts Filipino and at the bottom Indian so that was typed in with a number 3.  Sorry seen my fair share of Birth Certificate's in my life!

Ask yourself this! Who was in your Enrollment Office at that time? We all know there was help with the BIA and Director putting people and their Families in these TRIBES.  By the way, Where does the NAME CHANGE come in at with the Jamerson's?  Do you know a Jamerson has several alias?  Did your Enrollment check for NAME CHANGE BIRTH CERTIFICATE'S?  They will give all the paper work attachments together and it will also say 1 out of 5 paper works or whichever, how many there may be.  Did you know that you have members who were ADOPTED and are ENROLLED in your TRIBE which is a Jamerson also?

How did these people get in? How did you allow this to happen?  Ione Band of Miwok Indians YOU NEED TO WAKE UP all these families were in ENROLLED in your TRIBE and Came to the WILTON RANCHERIA TRIBE.  Did you questioned people like the MORLA'S, ESTRADA'S, DELLAMAS, RAMIREZ, AGUILAR'S, RAGUDO'S, HATCH'S, and i.e.. there are several names that I can go on and on.  Did you know all these people are either in Wilton Rancheria Tribe or they have applied to the Wilton Rancheria Tribe and they are enrolled with the Ione Band of Miwok Indian Tribe?  Does your TRIBE allow this to happen?  The answer I am going to give to you is, "YES," you do allow this to happen especially when you have CORRUPTED PEOPLE who RUN a CORRUPTED TRIBES and works with CORRUPTED GOVERNMENTS.  Did you ever questioned your past FORMER TRIBAL CHAIRS about this situation?

People like this really tear down actual Tribal Families that can prove their blood lines and here we have people in Government that allows this because why they are the NON-NATIVE'S.
Look at all these other Tribes in California who disenroll their members who can prove their lineage and all this with the help of the Director of the BIA.  When can our TRIBES say ENOUGH is ENOUGH and kick out the NON-NATIVES and give the TRIBES back to the REAL NATIVES.

Did you know that these names that I have mentioned or have posted on my BLOG are all Filipino and Mexican claiming to be NATIVES and are CHANGING YOUR FAMILY HISTORY and BLOOD LINES as their OWN?

Richard Ragudo

Richard Ragudo Family TreeImage result for WHAT YOU SERIES Asian MEME


Richard Ragudo

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

What is the whole STORY more like the REAL STORY






Not a Done Deal

Elk Grove casino is far from a done deal, legal experts say

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Boyd-Gaming 2016

MGM Resorts Buys Borgata Stake From Boyd Gaming for $900 Million

  • Gains full ownership of Atlantic City’s top-performing casino
  • Related REIT will own property and lease back to MGM Resorts
MGM Resorts International, the largest casino operator on the Las Vegas Strip, agreed to buy Boyd Gaming Corp.’s 50 percent stake in Atlantic City’s Borgata hotel and casino for $900 million.
As part of the deal, MGM Resorts will sell the entire property for $1.18 billion to MGM Growth Properties LLC, a real estate investment trust it created earlier this year, and operate the Borgata under a lease-back accord, the companies said Tuesday in astatement.
The agreement consolidates ownership and operational control of the most successful casino in the New Jersey gambling market. Boyd expects to receive $600 million in net proceeds after deducting its share of the property’s debt. Borgata estimates it’s also entitled to tax refunds from the city totaling $180 million.
The deal represents a big bet by MGM on the future of Atlantic City, which has seen its annual casino revenue fall by half since 2005 to $2.41 billion last year, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. New casinos in New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland have eaten into New Jersey’s business. Governor Chris Christie last week signed a financial stabilization plan designed to avert a bankruptcy filing by the city. 
MGM Resorts Chief Executive Officer Jim Murren said the deal would complement the company’s growing East Coast footprint, which includes a casino opening later this year in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside Washington, and another scheduled for 2018 in Springfield, Massachusetts. MGM can use its database of 60 million customers to promote the Borgata and achieve cost savings by making the property part of a larger enterprise, according to Murren.
“We viewed Borgata as what it is, a high-quality, high-performing property that’s bucked the trend in a very rough market,” Murren said.
A joint venture between Boyd and MGM, the Borgata brought a more upscale resort experience to Atlantic City when it opened in 2003. Modeled after higher-end properties in Las Vegas, it features a spa, restaurants and entertainment. It’s located in the marina district, away from the boardwalk where four of the city’s 12 casinos have closed since 2014.
While Borgata has taken market share as rivals closed, the casino still faces the threat that the state will legalize gambling in Northern New Jersey and create still more competition, Wells Fargo Securities analyst Cameron McKnight said in a research note after the deal was announced.
MGM Resorts, under pressure from activist investor Land & Buildings Investment Management LLC, created MGM Growth Properties as way to boost its stock price. Real estate investment trusts generally trade at higher valuations than regular corporations because they don’t pay income taxes, distributing profits instead directly to shareholders. MGM Growth raised over $1 billion in an April public stock offering.
The Borgata generated earnings of $212 million before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, and revenue of $812 million for the year ended in March, MGM Resorts said Tuesday. MGM Growth will receive rent of $100 million a year under the lease.
Boyd has also been taking steps to revamp its portfolio, acquiring three casinos in its Las Vegas hometown for $610 million since April.